How to Showcase Your Side Hustle on LinkedIn, EASILY

LinkedIn is the largest business search engine in the world. Your prospective clients are likely on LinkedIn. So are their friends, suppliers, customers, and competitors.

Let’s make it easy for them to find YOU when they need services!

This bundle will help you to start, or refresh, your LinkedIn profile to showcase what you offer and why they need you. Your gift includes:

  • a short report on LinkedIn basics and how it can help you in your side hustle
  • a detailed checklist on reviving or updating your profile
  • a checklist and planner on Skills tailored to side businesses
  • an invitation to a group “Ask Me Anything”  (on Zoom, of course)

    The goal is not to make you into a LinkedIn expert, but to establish your presence as a credible expert.

    Use Coupon Code: HUSTLE

How to Showcase Your Side Hustle on LinkedIn, EASILY

LinkedIn is the largest business search engine in the world. Your prospective clients are likely on LinkedIn. So are their friends, suppliers, customers, and competitors.

Let’s make it easy for them to find YOU when they need services!

This bundle will help you to start, or refresh, your LinkedIn profile to showcase what you offer and why they need you. Your gift includes:

  • a short report on LinkedIn basics and how it can help you in your side hustle
  • a detailed checklist on reviving or updating your profile
  • a checklist and planner on Skills tailored to side businesses
  • an invitation to a group “Ask Me Anything”  (on Zoom, of course)

    The goal is not to make you into a LinkedIn expert, but to establish your presence as a credible expert.

    Use Coupon Code: HUSTLE

How to Showcase Your Side Hustle on LinkedIn, EASILY

LinkedIn is the largest business search engine in the world. Your prospective clients are likely on LinkedIn. So are their friends, suppliers, customers, and competitors.

Let’s make it easy for them to find YOU when they need services!

This bundle will help you to start, or refresh, your LinkedIn profile to showcase what you offer and why they need you. Your gift includes:

  • a short report on LinkedIn basics and how it can help you in your side hustle
  • a detailed checklist on reviving or updating your profile
  • a checklist and planner on Skills tailored to side businesses
  • an invitation to a group “Ask Me Anything”  (on Zoom, of course)

    The goal is not to make you into a LinkedIn expert, but to establish your presence as a credible expert.

    Use Coupon Code: HUSTLE

Why Would I Care About LinkedIn for Just a Side Hustle?

One reason: when people with money seek out gig workers, whether it's to 

  • mow their lawn,
  • rebuild their deck,
  • design a website, or
  • prepare their three years' worth of tax returns 👀,

    they'll usually ask friends or associates for referrals first. And most people automatically type the referral's name into their ever-present smartphone. It's just human nature in 2020, even pre-pandemic.

    And since LinkedIn is one of the largest websites in the world, LinkedIn results usually come up at the top of the Google or Bing search page. 

    Try it! Type in a friend's name in a search. If they have a LinkedIn profile (unless they are a Kardashian or somebody like that), their LinkedIn profile will likely list even higher than their own website!

    Other reasons ... oops, better click the button below and get my report to learn more! Remember to use the coupon code HUSTLE at checkout!

Why Should We Trust You? 

Very fair question! Short answer, I've been using and geeking out about LinkedIn and writing people's profiles for years. I'm stunned at the opportunities that are missed, often because people:

  • can't be bothered with "social media"
  • think it's only for jobhunters
  • view it as "Facebook for old men"
  • don't see a benefit if they are happily employed (or self-employed)
  • created a profile in 2013 and haven't logged in again
  • and the number one reason (play the Family Feud music here ...) is they FORGET WHAT EMAIL THEY SET IT UP WITH and can't retrieve their password!

Anita Hampl Atlanta copywriter
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